by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy, Menopause
Most people would like better health. This post is for people willing to work on their lifestyle to achieve optimal health. I do not believe there is a pill that can sort out all health problems. I believe that a healthy diet, exercise and homoeopathy can work...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
I am astonished to see how widespread Candida’s overgrowth is. If you are reading this blog, you probably have noticed this as well. In this post, I will outline the causes and discuss my approach to treating Candida with homeopathy. What causes Candida...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, travelling
Homeopathy can help you overcome the fear of flying. Aviophobia is quite common, and while the term is often used loosely, the reasons behind it and how it manifests are different for every person. For example, fear of flying can be related to the fear of closed...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, travelling
Homeopathy can help control the symptoms of food poisoning and speed up the recovery process. In this post, I will outline the keynotes of the homeopathic remedies that are most commonly used. What is food poisoning? Food poisoning is an illness caused by eating...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Many people have Gut issues, and some even do not realize it. If you have constipation, bloating, indigestion, diarrhoea, candida overgrowth or food sensitivities, you are likely to have a Gut imbalance. Homeopathy can help rebalance your microbiome and address...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Homeopathic remedies can help oral candidiasis. This post will give information on the most commonly used homoeopathic remedies for “thrush”. Oral candidiasis is a fungal infection of the mouth often called ‘thrush’. Although candida is present...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy
Homeopathy for Candida overgrowth Free Educational Webinar With Violeta Ivanova Date: Friday 6th May 2022 Time: 5 PM British Summer Time/ 12 Eastern Time This educational webinar is suitable for anyone with candida overgrowth who is willing to learn more about the...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Healthy sex life is significant for mental as well as physical health. However, due to many factors, women may experience a lack of libido. Let’s look at some common factors that can cause low libido and discuss how homeopathic remedies can help improve the lack...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Homeopathy can restore your health to the level it was before you become unwell and even help you get to a higher level of health. Homeopathy works by assisting your body to cure itself. It does not suppress your symptoms which are the way your body is telling you...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Brittle nails refer to nails that are cracked, split and breaks easily. This can be a symptom of menopause, but not only. Homeopathic remedies for brittle nails help stimulate and speed up the growth of nails when they grow at a slow pace. Typically nails are strong...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy, Menopause
Bloating and constipation are common symptoms of menopause and candida overgrowth. In this blog post, I will for giveive you some useful tips on improving your digestion. I will talk about some homeopathic remedies that are used to relieve bloating and constipation...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy, Menopause
Heartburn and indigestion are common with candida overgrowth and during menopause. In this blog, I will give some useful tips on how to improve your digestion. I will give information on homeopathic remedies that help digestive issues like heartburn and indigestion....
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Heart palpitations are another symptom that women may experience during menopause. In this blog, I will give an example of some homoeopathic remedies that can help. Changing hormone levels can make the heart pound and flutter. A pounding or fluttering heartbeat is...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Chlorinated water is a commonly overlooked problem in the development of a yeast infection. By swimming in a chlorinated pool or a Jacuzzi, you are allowing your body to absorb plenty of chlorine, a disinfectant. Homeopathy can help to reverse the effect of chlorine...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Many women find themselves gaining weight during menopause even if they haven’t changed their eating habits. Others notice their shape-changing, especially around the waist. Some lifestyle and diet changes, plus the right homeopathic remedy, can help with losing...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Another risk associated with menopause is osteoporosis. There are a few things we can do to prevent or reduce osteoporosis. I will try to explain how lifestyle changes and homeopathic remedies can improve our bone health. According to recent statistics from the...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Mould is a frequently overlooked problem that can cause candida. Mould will hurt the immune system by suppressing it. Homeopathy can help getting rid of the toxins. Many people improve once they moved out of their house. Think about carpets, rugs, and walls in...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy, Menopause
Brain fog is a common symptom of menopause and Candida overgrowth. Homeopathy and some lifestyle changes can improve memory and brain fog. Book 15 minutes free now to find how homeopathy can help you. What is brain fog? It is not a medical condition but a symptom of...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Homeopathy
In this blog, I will try to explain heavy metals toxins and how they cause candida. I will give examples of how homeopathy can help to rebalance. What is the link between Candida and heavy metals? Heavy metals are often the underlying cause of Candida overgrowth. The...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
As we age, joint problems become more common. During menopause, many women experience joint stiffness, aches and pains. Homeopathy can help those problems. Any of your joints can be affected, from little joints such as fingers and toes, right up to the big joints such...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Vaginal Candida symptoms bother most of the female patients with candida overgrowth. Candida is present naturally in the gut and the vagina, and when the conditions are favourable, it can get out of control and cause unpleasant symptoms of vaginal thrush. Homeopathy...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Hair loss is a distressing symptom of menopause, and it can lead to low confidence. I will look at the causes, offer some natural solutions and homeopathic remedies for you to consider. Some women notice that their hair becomes thinner or patchy at menopause. For most...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Homeopathy
Can contraceptives be your underlying cause? Taking contraceptives increases the chance of Candida overgrowth. Homeopathy can be used to detox from contraceptives. There are a few contraceptives available, and those containing hormones are the ones I am referring to...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Hot flushes are the most common symptom of Menopause. About 80% of all women experience it when going through this period of their life. More about Menopause read here. Hot flashes, also known as vasomotor symptoms, are often described as a sudden sensation of heat in...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy
This is a question I am asked regularly, so I decided to write a blog to point people to. When do we need an acute consultation? Acute consultation is a short consult of 15-20 minutes and is usually for new, short-lived complaints not older than four weeks. You will...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth
Intolerance to some food is often a major factor in candida overgrowth. In the same way as an overloaded immune system cannot cope effectively with invading bacteria or viruses, neither can it cope with certain foods. However, there are very few of these offending...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Homeopathy
In this post, I will explain the symptoms of copper toxicity and how homeopathy can help. First of all, copper toxicity is only one of the underlying causes of candida. Most people have more than one root cause. When copper is bio-available, it fights candida. To be...
by Violeta Ivanova | Menopause
One of the common symptoms of menopause is a feeling of exhaustion and fatigue – mental and physical. This blog post looks at the causes of fatigue and provides you with tips to combat fatigue and bring back your energy. I will share my experience of using...
by Violeta Ivanova | Menopause
Many women have trouble sleeping during menopause. Homeopathic remedies can help to deal with Insomnia. Here I list some natural ways for you to improve your sleep during menopause. Insomnia is a prevalent symptom of menopause but may not consistently be recognised as...
by Violeta Ivanova | Menopause
Menopause can cause a lot of women to suffer from anxiety. There are a few things you can consider by trying to manage the problem. Some simple lifestyle changes may be beneficial. Homeopathic remedies can help. Menopausal anxiety is common and often entirely...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth
In this post, I will explain why the overuse of antibiotics leads to candida and what can be done to help the body regain health. The overuse of antibiotics can be one of the main underlying causes of candida overgrowth. We all know that the use of antibiotics leads...
by Violeta Ivanova | Candida Overgrowth
Untreated Candida Overgrowth can lead to autoimmune diseases like MS, Hashimoto’s thyroids, Rheumatoid arthritis etc. Homeopathy can help by treating Candida overgrowth and restoring your gut health. It is possible to reverse some of the symptoms of autoimmune...
by Violeta Ivanova | Homeopathy, Menopause
Homeopathy can be used to relieve nausea successfully. It is a holistic and natural form of medicine. Homeopathy is free from side effects and safe to use at any period of life. Nausea can be extremely unpleasant. Many people do not realise that it can be a symptom of...